About Art
The concept of high speed was originally strongly expressed in the content of Nubauer's paintings. The theme was closely interwoven with the motif of a car and its particular parts through the use of materials, such as carbon, which are primarily found in auto racing.Yet even when it was a matter of pace, the viewers' perception of the art piece was, unfortunately, limited: it was impossible to fully comprehend the movement that was taking place. Perhaps this was partly because it, at first, did not lend itself to an interpretation defined by speed.

Art comes not from craftsmanship, but from the right decision at the right time.
Mario Nubauer
“Вчерашний вечер можно назвать триумфом российско-венского искусства...художник Марио Нубауэр из Вены представил переработанные снимки глянцевого фотографа Славы Филиппова...”
„...exhibition is unique quest to try and find what is behind the artistic intervention...“
"Sein abwechslungsreiches Werk, das sowohl großflächige Malereien wie auch Collagen und Skulpturen ein- schließt, ist ein technisch vielfältiger Mix zwischen Abstraktion und Appropriation. "